
Showing posts from October, 2021

Overcoming Colonisation

  Before starting to look at any issues or solutions made by people in the African Water and Food discourse, I think it is imperative that we consider the dehumanisation that has systematically occurred to the citizens of this continent by the hand of the white oppressor .  Africa has perpetually suffered from the homogenisation of its unique cultures and traditions to a one-size-fits-all image that adheres to the western perception of what this continent should look like. Romanticised or demonised , the way in which it is presented aims to create an idea that it  is to be pitied and in dire need of aid. Of course, this aid will undoubtably come from the inevitable ‘heroic’ white saviour that is brave enough to venture into its ‘undeveloped savageness’ . My introductory blog aimed to discard these unsavoury images of Africa. It is therefore critical to understand that it is not a place to be pitied, but instead treated as any other continent. There is no desire from its c...

Water and Food in Africa - A brief introduction

  Welcome to my blog on Water and Food in Africa! This is my first, introductory post where I hope to explain how these three key ideas are linked. Water and food are fundamental to life, which is why they make up two of the key Sustainable development Goals. My posts will aim to discuss certain issues pertaining to the interconnected nature of water and food security in African discourse.                          Water   Water can be considered the most important element for all ecosystems. It is fundamental for the survival and wellbeing of all living organisms. Despite being a renewable resource, its constant exploitation has meant that its resources are not being replenished fast enough to replace usage levels. This is particularly true when you consider the gaping imbalance between freshwater availability and the growing requirement’s of a developing worldwide population , thereby increasing per capita water...